Prophet Dele Bareck shares with you, sermons and

spiritually-inspired articles from the throne of Christ.

Doing Good

Doing Good

Doing Good  good man/woman is a benevolent, kind, genuine, pleasing, worthy, considerable, virtuous, excellent person. A person that promotes happiness and success. As human beings, being good to one another is our primary objective on earth. God...

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27 MARCH, 2017 Astronomy Life Society Destiny mean: fortune, doom. Destined mean: certain or doomed, unavoidable fate. Destiny can lead one to be ordained, appoint to a higher office, or take you to an unexpected place, it can also lead to the unexpected happening...

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True Repentance

True Repentance

True Repentance f you return, O Israel, declares the Lord, then you should return to Me, and if you will put away all your detested thing from My presence, and will not waver, and you will not swear, as the Lord lives, in truth, in justice, and in...

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Righteousness raise and thanksgiving will flow when we recognize that the Lord, not we ourselves, will accomplish our victory and our deliverance. Like Israelis, when we turned from the Lord, we faced oppression, impoverished, enslaved, and...

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Christian Responsibility Part Three

Christian Responsibility Part Three

Doing good good man or woman is a benevolent, a kind, a genuine, a pleasing, a worthy, a considerable, a virtuous, excellence person, a person that promote happiness and, success. As humans, being good to one and other is our primary objective in...

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Christian Responsibility Part Two

Christian Responsibility Part Two

Parents Responsibility towards their child/children esponsibility means, being responsible, a moral obligation or duty, to be in charge or entrust, a thing one is responsible for. As a parent, we all moral responsibility toward our child/children,...

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Christian Responsibility Part One

Christian Responsibility Part One

Our Responsibility towards Society hat are our responsibilities toward our nations God had given to us all? hy did God create us? hat can you do to make the society a better place to live? As a Christian, what are my responsibilities?...

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